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Wally Berg Bromeliad

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Wally Berg Bromeliad

Aechmea blanchetiana

  • ​Common name: Wally Berg Bromeliad
  • Scientific name: Aechmea blanchetiana
  • Family name: Bromeliaceae
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Height: 2-4 ft
  • Width: 1-2 ft
  • Growth: Slow
  • Zone: 10b-11
  • Light needs: Part Sun to Full Sun
  • Salt tolerance: Poor
  • Soil/pH/Texture: Tolerates a range of soil types, acidic to slightly alkaline (Ph 6.0-7.5)
  • Moisture: Absorbs water through a cup in its center – should be flushed out and refilled about once a week
  • Drought tolerance: High
  • Pests/Diseases: Root rot may occur if soil is too moist. Mosquitoes and scale may breed in the trapped water in the leaves.
  • Growing conditions: Grows best in partial shade in moist but well-drained soil. It is an epiphyte, so it can be grown without soil with a soil-less medium around its roots, or in the branches of trees. Can also be grown in a container. Its water cup should be flushed out regularly to avoid stagnation.
  • Characteristics: Leaves are long, smooth, simple, and arranged as a rosette around a central point, 18-36 inches long. Margins of the leaves are spiny, the color tends to be an orange-red. Flowers grow in clusters of red and yellow bracts and grow on a spade that emerges from the center.
  • Propagation: By offsets or by seed
  • Wildlife: The water cup may be home to mosquitos or a frog.
  • Facts: Named after Wally Berg, who brought the species to Florida from South America.
  • Designer considerations: Good for ground cover, for shady areas, or to put in trees for a spot of color. Pairs well with plants that have highly textured foliage or that have foliage in cooler shades of purple and blue.


Bromeliad Island Garden