Dutchman’s Pipe, Pipevine


Butterfly Garden

  • Common Name: Pipevine -Dutchman’s pipevine
  • Scientific Name: Aristolochia littoralis
  • Family Name: Aristolochiaceae
  • Origin: Native to Brazil and South America (naturalized to Central America, southern United States and tropical areas worldwide).
  • Height: 10’ – 20’
  • Width: 3’ – 6’
  • Growth: It can grow very fast, up to 8’ in one growing season.
  • Zone: 5A – 10B
  • Light Needs: Light Shade (partial or dappled)
  • Salt Tolerance: High
  • Soil/PH/Texture: Prefers moist and moderately fertile soils, avoid dry soils, neutral (pH6.6 – 7.5)
  • Soil Moisture: Mesic, average water needs, water regularly but do not overwater, and needs excellent drainage in pots.
  • Drought Tolerance: Adaptable drought tolerance once established.
  • Pests/Diseases: No serious insect or disease issues.
  • Growing Conditions: Low maintenance and grows easily and rapidly, with an unusual appearance.
  • Characteristics: This evergreen vine has light green leaves that are gray green on underside, simple, heart shaped, and alternately arranged. Blooms are shaped like a curved pipe (hence its name), and inflated tubes with a mixture of colors ranging from maroon/burgundy, creamy white mottled with purple/brown. Blooms are fragrant, showy and appear early spring – summer, and year-round in warmer climates. Flowers are pollinated by flies when they get stuck in the tubes of the flower.
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings or seed.
  • Wildlife: Attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
  • Facts: All parts of this plant are poisonous, do not ingest, it contains the alkaloid aristolochic acid which is highly toxic and extremely toxic to kidneys. May be an invasive or noxious weed. The green, heart-shaped leaves are a good food source for a butterfly’s larvae. The blooms will begin to smell awful as they begin to rot (which is why butterflies are drawn to them) so make sure to plant far away from the house, deck or patio.
  • Designer Considerations: Grows great on arbors, trellises, pergolas or any structure that supports its vine. They also can be grown in containers.​
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