2024-2025 Board of Directors & Officers

President (Interim)

Art Pearlstein

Vice President (Interim)

Heather Funari


Mary Petrone

Kaycee Harris


2024-2025 Board of Directors & Officers

2024-2025 Committees

Accounting Services/CPA

DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes/IC

Action Plan Sub-Committee


Adult Programs (non-revenue) Sub-Committee

Mary Petrone

Annual Events (non-revenue) Sub-Committee

Heather Furnari

Bamboo Garden Sub-Committee

The Friends of Port St. Lucie Botanical Garden

Bromeliad Garden Sub-Committee

The Friends of Port St. Lucie Botanical Garden

Budget Sub-Committee


Butterfly Garden Sub-Committee

Phyllis Brown

Cactus Garden Sub-Committee

Tony Joneck

Civic Events (non-revenue) Sub-Committee

Heather Furnari

Communications/Marketing Sub-Committee

Mary Petrone

Corresponding Secretary

Mary Petrone

Election Committee

​Stephanie Alessandrini Giarraffa

Events/Facility Use Sub-Committee

Heather Furnari

Finance Committee

Cheri Mabry

Fund Raising/Grants (revenue) Sub-Committee


Garden Center


Garden Rooms Liaison Sub-Committee

John Erickson

Gift Shop Committee

Pam Scholey

Grounds Maintenance Sub-Committee

John Erickson

Health and Wellness Sub-Committee

Dale Johnson

Hibiscus Garden Sub-Committee

Bea Cooper

Horticulture Committee

John Erickson & Tim Sutton
Jessica Benford

Landscape Committee Sub-Committee


Membership & Volunteer Committee

​Arthur Pearlstein

Membership Sub-Committee


Native Plant Garden Sub-Committee

Sun Grove Montessori School

Orchid Garden Sub-Committee

Ena Vilabrera

Palm Walk Garden Sub-Committee

Darl Emling

Plant ID Labeling Accessioning Sub-Committee


Plant Sales (revenue) Sub-Committee

Heather Furnari​

Private Events (revenue) Sub-Committee

Heather Furnari

Propagation Sub-Committee

Laura Brady

Resource Development Committee

Heather Furnari

Rose Garden Sub-Committee

Anne Nourse
Sherry Catalina​​

Strategic Planning Committee


Veterans Horticulture Sub-Committee


Volunteer Sub-Committee

TBD (Volunteers)​

Youth Programs (non-revenue) Sub-Committee

Mary Petrone

The Friends of the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens

​Past President

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