Dancing-lady Orchid (Oncidium)


Orchid Room

Oncidium Spp. (Gomesa varicose)

  • Common Name: Dancing Lady Orchid (other common names: Dancing Doll Orchid, Golden Shower Orchid, Tiger Orchid)
  • Scientific Name: Oncidium Spp. (Gomesa varicose)
  • Family Name: Orchidaceae
  • Origin: Central and South America
  • Height: 12-30” Flower spikes to 10ft.
  • Width: 2’ – 3’
  • Growth: In their natural habitat, this epiphyte can be seen thriving on top of rocks or in tree branches high up in the mountains, in coastal areas, and in jungles.
  • Zone: 10A – 11
  • Light Needs: East or West windows. Moderately bright to bright indirect. Shaded to bright south window. Soften with sheer curtain. Thicker leaves tolerate more light.
  • Salt Tolerance: Low
  • Soil/PH/Texture: Orchid potting mix, with a small amount of sphagnum and perlite with chipped pine or fir bark.
  • Soil Moisture: 30-60% humidity.  Susceptible to root rot. Dry between waterings andprovide quick drainage.
  • Drought Tolerance: Moderately – Wrinkled pseudobulbs indicate lack of water.
  • Pests/Diseases: Not parasitic.
  • Growing Conditions: It can be planted on the bark of trees but prefers a loose well drained medium.  Should display medium green leaves. Dark leaves don’t have enough sun. Thicker fleshier leaves need more sun. Thin leaves can get by with less sun. Prefer minimum 80° daytime and 55-65° evening temperatures.  Likes warm temperatures and high humidity.  Use a weak fertilizer 1-2 times a month.
  • Characteristics: Their ruffled blooms can range from yellow, brown, white,  orgreen but are also available in red, pink, and purple. The lip is enormous, the shape resembling a ladies skirt. Florists call them “spray orchids”.
  • Propagation: By division using tubers, bulbs, rhizomes or corms (including offsets).
  • Wildlife: attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
  • Facts: There are over 300 species, and the hybridization of this group of orchids is endless and there are literally hundreds of thousands of excellent hybrids in the Oncidium alliance.
  • Designer Considerations: Because it is an epiphyte, Oncidiums thrive when mounted on bark or a plaque.  Use small amounts of sphagnum to keep the wood moist and encourage roots. Don’t cut stems after flowering.  They can rebloom on the same stem for many years. They can decorate your walls on your patio, or on trees and are suitable for pots indoors or outdoors.
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