Mealy Cup Sage


Butterfly Garden

  • Common Name: Mealy cup sage
  • Scientific Name: Salvia farinacea
  • Family Name: Lamiaceae
  • Origin: Texas and Mexico
  • Height: 1 to 3 ft
  • Width: 1 to 2 ft
  • Growth: Moderate
  • Zone: USDA Zones 8 through 10
  • Light needs: Full sun to part sun.
  • Salt tolerance: Low
  • Soil/pH/Texture: Prefers an evenly moist, well-drained soil with an acidic pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
  • Moisture: Moderate water needs – soil should be kept moist but not inundated.
  • Drought tolerance: Moderate – can handle short drought periods.
  • Pests/Diseases: No major pests or diseases.
  • Growing conditions: This plant should be grown in a warm area, as it is sensitive to frost. It will bloom best in full sun, although it can also tolerate part sun. It can tolerate many different soil types, including poor soils, and is fairly drought tolerant once established. It prefers uniformly moist soil, but inundated soil will cause the plant to become leggy and weak.
  • Characteristics: This plant forms dense clumps with many upright, square stems. The leaves are lance-shaped, drooping, and serrated, growing in an opposite or whorled pattern up the stem. Flowers are borne on tall, purplish flower spikes. The flowers are rich indigo-blue and densely clustered together. The fruit is a small, brown capsule.
  • Propagation: By cuttings or by seeds.
  • Wildlife: The flowers attract various pollinators. Some birds eat the seed capsules.
  • Facts: The genus name, “Salvia” comes from the Latin word “Salveo,” which means “to save” or “heal.” This is in reference to the use of Salvia for supposed medical benefits.
  • Designer considerations: It is commonly used in mixed beds and borders, adding vertical. Pair it with warm-toned flowers to add contrast. It is a must-have for cottage gardens and pollinator gardens.
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