Canistrum Seidelianum


Bromeliad Garden

  • Common name: Canistrum Seidelianum
  • Scientific name: Canistrum Seidelianum
  • Family name: Bromeliaceae
  • Origin: Brazil​
  • Height: 1 to 1.5 ft
  • Width: 1 ft
  • Growth: Low
  • Zone: USDA Zones 10 and above
  • Light needs: Dappled or indirect light
  • Salt tolerance: Low
  • Soil/pH/Texture: As an epiphytic plant, it is best suited to growing on tree branches and bark. It can also be grown in containers with a well-drained substrate, such as a bark-based potting medium. Substrate pH should be acidic (<7.0).
  • Moisture: Water only when substrate dries out. Ensure that the central “tank” remains at least ¼ full of water. Tolerant of high humidity.
  • Drought tolerance: Moderate.
  • Pests/Diseases: Root rot can occur with overwatering. Mosquitoes and other insects may breed in the central cup if it is not flushed out regularly.
  • Growing conditions: Grow this bromeliad in a warm area with dappled or indirect light. Too much direct sunlight will burn the leaves. Planting it on a tree branch will ensure that the plant is both protected from the sun and receives adequate drainage. The roots are used mainly for support, with the central cup absorbing water and nutrients. Flush this cup regularly to ensure that bacteria and pests don’t grow in it.
  • Characteristics: As with other bromeliads, the leaves of this plant are arranged around a central point to form a rosette. The leaves are oblong, glossy, with a toothed margin and apiculate “pinched” apex. Its distinguishing feature is its leaf color and pattern: uneven stripes of chestnut brown and pale green which are layered over each other. The shape of this species is more upright and tubular than other bromeliads, forming a deeper central cup. The inflorescence appears on a tall, pale red rachis. The individual flowers are clustered at the very top of this stem and surrounded by several bracts, similar in appearance to a capitulum. The flowers are greenish yellow, and the bracts are pale red.
  • Propagation: By offsets.
  • Wildlife: Frogs and insects are often found in the tank.
  • Facts: The genus name comes from the Greek word “kanistron” which is a type of basket carried on the head. This is presumably a reference to the plant’s shape. The Canistrum genus is endemic to Brazil, specifically the Atlantic Forest Biome, which is found in the southeast.
  • Designer considerations: This epiphytic plant is best suited for tree plantings. Plant it in a small tree or on a lower branch so that its striped foliage can be seen clearly. It also grows well as a potted plant and can be added to rooms to create a tropical ambience.
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