
Butterfly Garden

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Sweet Pink Valencia

Sweet Pink Valencia


  • Common name: Sweet Pink Valencia Orchid
  • Scientific name: Dendrobium
  • Family name: Orchidaceae
  • Origin: Tropical and Subtropical Asia and Pacific
  • Height: 8-10 inches
  • Width: 8-10 inches
  • Growth: Fast growing during the summer, but rests during the winter
  • Zone: 9-12
  • Light needs: Lots of bright light – tolerates full sun with afternoon shade
  • Salt tolerance: Moderate
  • Soil/pH/Texture: Are epiphytic, so they do not need true soil - best grown in a well-draining, soil-less potting medium. pH should be acidic from watering.
  • Moisture: Should be watered once a week when the roots are almost dry. Water should ideally be acidic (pH 4.5-5), and shouldn’t be alkaline.
  • Drought tolerance: High
  • Pests/Diseases: Root rot may occur with overwatering.
  • Growing conditions: Best grown in a warm, sunny area with well-drained soil-less potting mix – can be planted in trees. Should ideally have good air movement and 50-70% humidity. Should be fertilized with 12-12-12 at ¼ strength with every other watering; fertilizer is not needed when blooming.
  • Characteristics: Leaves are ovate, long smooth, and glossy green, and grow alternately. Stems are green and segmented. The showy flowers have light, bright pink outer petals and a magenta-speckled lip. These flowers bloom up to three times per year in cool temperatures.
  • Propagation: By cuttings
  • Facts: The Dendrobium is a diverse genus of orchids that contains about 1200 species. They are either epiphytic, occasionally lithophytic and terrestrial.  The Dendrobium orchid is one of the popular because of its plentiful, often delicate, blooms that cascade from trees where its hearty roots cling. Its popularity has led to the creation of many cultivars and hybrids with unique and interesting traits.
  • Designer considerations: Its epiphytic nature allows it to be planted in trees, adding a pop of color. It can also be planted in hanging baskets or in containers as specimen plantings.